Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving

We hope you have an absolutely wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving. It really is a wonderful time of year. So much of the time we live such busy lives that we don’t stop to think how blessed we really are….how much we really have to be thankful for. I know this year has been one of major transition for Tina and me as I have made a permanent move to Alabama, leased the house in Atlanta, and started a whole new business. It’s been quite a ride. As I look back on it, I can see that God has been at work in all of it. And now I have to take some time to just thank God for all he has accomplished for us this year….even all the little things we sometimes forget that are so important in order for the major things to happen. Then I think of so many of the things we take for granted on a daily basis. Lord don’t let us forget the little things of life that take place each and every day that make our lives comfortable, bearable, and even significant.  

I’m thankful for an awesome country to live in that still allows us the freedom to worship God as we please. I’m thankful for all our men and women in arms here and abroad that serve so bravely to ensure our freedoms. I’m thankful for a wonderful church that lives out the heart of God in such an amazing way. And I’m thankful for all my family and friends. Where would be without them. And I’m thankful for my wonderful wife Tina who God has blessed me to live life with.

I thought I’d leave you with a video about being thankful from Johnny Cash. It will touch your heart. I believe he does an incredible job at summing up this thing we call Thankfulness. It could have been shot today…it’s that relevant.  Enjoy it.



Victor and Tina


We’re thankful for making it to the top of McCrae Peak, NC for my 60th birthday!

Top of Grand Father Mountain 1

2 Comments on “Happy Thanksgiving!

  1. Victor,
    We wish you a wonderful Holiday season!
    We are thankful that we met you when we did.
    God bless you and your family! When Jimmy turns 60, we will have to get him to the McCrae Peak as well.
    God Bless
    Julie and Jimmy and family!